Introduction – Par ici!

Paris metro exit entrance finder

Bonjour Paris visitors!


This page introduces “Par ici!“, a smartphone application for Paris Metro (subway) exit information, available for download on Google Play, App Store.
* Par ici means “this way!” in French.                                  

Problems with Paris Metro exits
Are you aware that the locations of metro stations on the map don’t always align with the actual exits? With numerous exits throughout the Paris Metro and the intricate network of multiple lines converging in the city center, navigating can be confusing. Moreover, many stations, constructed in the early 20th century, lack accessibility features, posing challenges for those with mobility impairments, and when you take the stairs from deep underground to the surface, and realize that you are far away from your destination, you will feel very fatigued.

And the status quo is…
So how do locals and travelers do…?
It is common to locate each exit on a map posted on the platform or near the ticket gates.
However, at stations where ticket gates are in multiple locations, many passengers are unsure of which direction to go on the platform after getting off the train.
And since the map only shows public buildings and places, it is difficult to find private facilities.

Solutions by Par ici!
The Par ici!app displays all the exits of all Paris Metro stations on Google Maps and provides the nearest point by car number for each exit and for transfers to other lines. In addition, each exit icon is displayed by elevator, escalator, stairs to help you plan your route, especially for those with limited mobility.
Once downloaded, you can read the terms and use, privacy policy, usage manuals and route maps without purchasing a pass.

Tutorial video

1. Improved accessibility for travelers with mobility challenges:

  • The app specifically addresses the needs of people with mobility challenges by providing detailed information on the availability and types of transportation (elevators, escalators and stairs) at subway stations. This makes it easier for these users to plan their trips according to their specific needs.

2. Efficiently navigate to station exits:

  • As of January 2024, all of the approximately 1600 exits at 308 stations on all 16 subway lines will be displayed as well as the train car number to the closest to each exit and transfer point closest to other lines, streamlining the subway experience for users.

3. Convenient for travel planning:

  • The application is helpful for planning trips to Paris, allowing users to find hotels near the station exits. This is beneficial for optimizing travel time and convenience during their stay.
  • Integration with Google Maps enhances the ability to explore tourist attractions, restaurants and shops in Paris, making trip planning more comprehensive and enjoyable.

4. User control of pass duration and re-purchasing:

  • The app works on a subscription basis with different durations (1 week, 1 month and 3 months), allowing users to choose a plan that best suits their needs. There is no-automatic subscription, which means users have control over their subscription and spending.
  • The purchase date and time is the first day of pass use.
    Pass Type Android (Google Play) iOS (App Store)
    1 week 0.99 € 0.99 €
    1 month 2.99 € 2.99 €
    3 months 5.99 € 5.99 €

5. Multilingual support:

  • This application currently supports multiple languages including English, French, Japanese, Chinese and Russian in the user manual, general information, and vocabulary descriptions. This broad language support makes the application accessible to a wider international audience.

6. User privacy and transparency:

  • The availability of our Privacy Policy and Terms and Use prior to the purchase of a pass ensures transparency. Users can make informed decisions about their privacy and app usage. ※The application is free to download and you can look over the usage manual before purchasing the pass. A pass must be purchased for services that use the map feature.

Scan the QR code to download or Go to the App store pages:

画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: QR_141699.png画像に alt 属性が指定されていません。ファイル名: QR_X-Twitter_icon.png
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